Impressionantes diamantes de cremação: uma ideia emergente de memorial
Mais e mais pessoas estão aproveitando o serviço de cremação nos Estados Unidos. Nesse processo, o corpo é queimado a uma temperatura de mais de 760 graus Celsius e reduzido a cinzas. Quando essas cinzas são recebidas pela família, existem diferentes maneiras pelas quais eles podem imortalizar a vida de seu ente querido. Uma maneira única é fazer diamantes de cremação a partir de cinzas.
Os diamantes de cremação são diamantes feitos de cinzas e / ou cabelos de seres humanos ou animais. Isso é feito pela extração do carbono dos cremes, expondo-o a alta pressão e alta temperatura e cortando-o em uma forma desejável. A prática de transformar cinzas em diamantes de cremação está lentamente se tornando popular. Mas onde esse conceito realmente começou?
__A produção de diamantes sintéticos começou quando Smithson Tennant, um químico inglês, descobriu em 1797 que os diamantes são feitos de carbono altamente organizado. Isso levou a muitas tentativas de recriar diamantes, a maioria das quais sem sucesso. A primeira tentativa bem-sucedida de produzir diamantes sintéticos foi feita pelo químico escocês James Ballantyne Hannay em 1879. Seu procedimento envolveu a mistura de óleo de osso, lítio e parafina, selando-os em tubos de ferro forjado, e submetendo-o a uma temperatura de 3.500 graus Celsius. A segunda tentativa bem-sucedida foi feita por Ferdinand Frédéric Henri Moissan, um químico francês, em 1893. Ele misturou carbono puro e ferro em um cadinho, colocou-o em seu forno elétrico a arco e colocou-o em uma temperatura estimada em 4.000 graus Celsius. Ele aplicou grande pressão à mistura, resfriando-a em um banho-maria. A contração da mistura fundida de carbono e ferro é o efeito produzido.
Muitos outros cientistas tentaram recriar seus experimentos, com resultados mistos. Os estudos mais exaustivos sobre a produção de diamantes sintéticos foram feitos pelo engenheiro anglo-irlandês Sir Charles Algernon Parsons. Ele trabalhou nos experimentos de diamante sintético por quarenta anos, incorporando sua própria pesquisa às técnicas usadas por Hannay e Moissan. No entanto, um artigo foi publicado em 1928 pelo Dr. C. H. Desch em que Parsons afirma que nenhum diamante sintético foi produzido até aquela data. Ele disse que esses diamantes são provavelmente espinélios sintéticos, outro tipo de gema.
Em 1951, o grupo Schenectady era composto pelas empresas General Electric (GE), Norton e Carborundum, juntamente com Francis Bundy, H. M. Strong e Howard Tracy Hall. Eles aprimoraram as células da bigorna de diamante projetadas por Percy Bridgman. Para espremer a amostra de carbono, eles usaram bigornas de carboneto de tungstênio na prensa hidráulica. A equipe registrou a síntese de diamante apenas uma vez, porque havia condições de síntese incertas que os impossibilitaram de fazer os experimentos novamente. Mais tarde, seria conhecido que a semente que usaram para o experimento era um diamante natural.
Hall foi o primeiro a ter sucesso comercial na criação de diamantes sintéticos em 16 de dezembro de 1954. Este evento foi divulgado em 15 de fevereiro de 1955. Ele usou grafite e a dissolveu com níquel fundido, cobalto e ferro em um recipiente de pirofilita. Ele foi colocado em uma prensa de cinto e exposto a alta pressão de mais de 10 Gpa (gigapascals) e alta temperatura de mais de 2.000 graus Celsius. Os metais na composição aceleram o processo de transformação do carbono em diamante.
Na década de 1960, explosivos contendo carbono foram usados para fazer nanocristais de diamante. Eles também eram chamados de nanodiamantes de detonação. Algumas mudanças foram feitas neste processo para produzir pó de diamante.
Os diamantes sintéticos com qualidade de gema foram produzidos pela GE na década de 1970 e tinham uma cor amarela a marrom devido à contaminação por nitrogênio. Inclusões também foram prevalentes nessas gemas. Foram realizados experimentos para remover o nitrogênio dos diamantes para que cores diferentes possam ser feitas (principalmente diamantes azuis e incolores). Infelizmente, isso retardou o processo e produziu diamantes de baixa qualidade.
A ideia de transformar cremains em diamantes começou nos anos 2000. Tanto cinzas quanto cabelos podem ser usados no processo de cremação do diamante. Como esse conceito ainda estava nos estágios iniciais, a maioria dos diamantes de cremação eram pequenos e de baixa qualidade. Apenas diamantes azuis podem ser produzidos.
A tecnologia avançada abriu o caminho para melhorar a qualidade dos diamantes de cremação. Outras pesquisas resultaram nesses diamantes de cinzas com menos inclusões. Eles estão disponíveis em uma variedade de cores e tamanhos.
There are a number of ways to create cremation diamonds. The most common method is to apply high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) because of lower costs. In this method, a diamond seed is placed at the bottom of large presses. They are used to mimic the high pressure and high temperature normally found in a natural diamond environment.
For example, the New Diamond Laboratory (NDT) in St. Petersburg, Russia produced five large synthetic diamonds using the HPHT process. These were examined by the Hong Kong laboratory of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and all diamonds were verified to have the traits of the HPHT process. These synthetic diamonds are graded VS to VVS (Very Slightly Included or Very, Very Slightly Included) due to small inclusions. In terms of gemological characteristics, these synthetic diamonds are on par with high-quality natural diamonds.
EverDear & Co. uses a sophisticated technique in making cremation diamonds from ashes. There are three main steps in in cremation diamond production.
Carbon refinement
Cremation diamond formation
Cutting and polishing the cremation diamond
The first step is called carbon refinement and is done by subjecting the ashes and/or hair to heat in a vacuum environment. Changing cremains to diamonds also goes through another purification process, which is done by hand.
The second step to turn ashes into diamonds is by placing a diamond seed in the inner core cube of the press and exposing the ashes into a high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) environment. This imitates the process of creating natural diamonds from the Earth’s mantle.
These cremation diamonds will undergo the third and last step, known as the cutting and polishing stage. When these cremation diamonds are removed from the press, EverDear’s experts will design the crosswork, which is also known as the placing of the main facets on cremation diamonds. This process can help ensure that cremation diamonds possess high clarity, maximum weight, and the best angles, depending on the diamond’s shape. Our artisans use the latest tools and innovative technique when transforming cremated ashes into diamonds.
Cremation diamonds are as real as any natural diamond mined in the Earth’s surface. Both diamonds are made of carbon, but the main difference lies in the source of carbon and the amount of time it takes to create the diamonds.
Natural diamonds are made from the carbon found in the Earth. These diamonds are mined near places where volcanic eruptions took place. On the other hand, the source of carbon for cremation diamonds is the cremains of our loved ones. Both ashes and hair can be used in the cremation diamond production process. Also, the formation of cremation diamonds will take only seven to eleven months, as opposed to natural diamonds which take billions of years.
To guarantee the authenticity of EverDear & Co.’s cremation diamonds, our diamonds can be certified by the Gemological Institute of America (IGA) and the International Gemological Institute (IGI). They will be graded based on 4Cs: color, carat, cut, and clarity.
There are certain reasons why people are choosing to turn their loved one’s ashes into cremation diamonds. Here are some of them.
Cremation diamonds can be a form of memorial. – One of these is to grieve the death of a family member or a friend. To see their loved one transformed into a beautiful cremation diamond can bring comfort and happiness to the family and friends left behind. Cremation diamonds can serve as a memorial because it is capable of preserving the memory of a departed loved one.
Cremation diamonds prices are more affordable. – Having your loved one’s cremated ashes turned into diamonds is cheaper than having a burial service. Funeral costs are getting more expensive annually, and this option allows families to save money when parting ways with a beloved.
Cremation diamonds are simpler to process. – Converting the cremains into cremation diamonds is simpler compared to burying the body. In a burial service, you still have to worry over the pallbearers, burial plot, headstone, and other necessary products. To make a cremation diamond, all you have to do is place an order online through the EverDear & Co. website and send 100 grams of cremated ashes or 2 grams of hair.
Cremation diamonds are personalized. – The act of transforming cremains into diamonds is personalized, which makes people view it as something more special than other traditional memorial options. You can choose the color and number of carats of your cremation diamond. Also, the chemical composition of the cremation diamond came from your loved one which makes it both unique and special.
Cremation diamonds do not take up so much space. – Burial is becoming unsustainable due to a shortage of cemetery spaces. You would not have this problem if your loved one’s ashes are turned into a cremation diamond.
Cremation diamonds allow more flexibility. – It would be easier to remember the life of a loved one through cremation diamonds. Besides, it can be inconvenient to travel to the cemetery every year due to traffic and other unpredictable traveling conditions (e.g. weather).
Cremation diamonds give you the chance to be closer to a loved one. – This allows you to still feel connected with your loved ones despite them not being with you anymore. Cremation diamonds can be brought with you whenever and wherever you want.
The Vatican originally banned the practice of cremation, but allowed it in 1963 as long as it does not contradict their established doctrines. Burials are their preferred type of funeral service because they believe that the body will be more properly respected by burying it instead of having it cremated. They have also mentioned that the deceased’s body is from God and should not be considered as a property of family members.
The Vatican has expressly stated that they only approve of keeping ashes in sacred places such as a cemetery or a columbarium. Other practices such as keeping the ashes at home, scattering the ashes in a particular place, storing them inside jewelry, or turning ashes into diamonds are prohibited. They only allow keeping the ashes at home upon receiving approval from a bishop.
Anglicans allow the practice of cremation because it does not interfere with their Anglican traditions. Still, they prefer to have the ashes buried in a cemetery after the cremation process. The bishop will only certify selected places if family members want to scatter the ashes of their loved ones.
They have not mentioned anything regarding other unconventional methods in disposing of human ashes such as mixing it to make a painting or turning the ashes to cremation diamonds.
The Eastern Orthodox Church forbids the practice of cremation since they consider the body as sacred and should be left intact.
They do not allow the process of changing ashes into cremation diamonds.
Lutherans are not strict about the type of funeral service family members would choose for their departed loved ones. They accept both burial and cremation services, provided that the body will be treated with respect and will be given the appropriate Lutheran funeral rites. Unlike the Catholic Church, they leave it to family members on what they want to do with the ashes. They can keep the ashes in a cemetery, a columbarium, or at home. They also allow the scattering of ashes on sacred places, but do not accept other ways of honoring the dead such as turning cremains into diamonds, and mounting them onto cremation jewelry.
Lutheran doctrines vary depending on the geographical location. For example, Scandinavian Lutheran doctrine declares that ashes can be buried or scattered on sacred ground, but do not agree with keeping the ashes at home or disposing of them in a disrespectful manner.
Methodists allow both cremation and burial. Methodists have special churchyards and gardens where they can have the ashes buried or scattered.
There is no clear stance whether Methodists accept the transformation of cremains into diamonds.
Buddhists accept the practice of cremation and they leave the choice to the family members on how they can pay their respects to the dead. For them, anything can be done since consciousness has left the body. Therefore, they are open to burying the ashes in a cemetery, keeping it at home or in a columbarium, scattering the ashes, turning the cremated ashes into diamonds, or changing them into cremation jewelry.
The Jewish people prefer to have dead bodies buried instead of having them cremated. Orthodox Jews forbid the practice of cremation because it says so in the Halakha (Jewish law). Some Jews have also linked the cremation process to the Holocaust, which gives cremation a negative image.
However, Liberated Jews are accepting of cremation due to the lack of burial spaces.
Most Jews would find the transformation of ashes into cremation diamonds unacceptable.
Muslims do not accept cremation in the first place, so they prohibit the transforming of ashes to cremation diamonds.
Taoists accept both cremation and burial, but they do not have a clear rule on what to do with the cremated ashes. Their religious leaders suggest keeping it in a sacred place that can be readily visited by family members and friends, although the final decision is still made by the family members. The ashes can be turned into cremation diamonds without violating any Taoist law.
There may be questions on who has the right to handle the deceased’s cremains. According to the Florida Probate Code section 732.103, if the deceased did not leave any will:
“The part of the intestate estate not passing to surviving spouse under section 732.102, or the entire intestate estate if there is no surviving spouse, descends first to the lineal descendants of the decedent, and if there is no lineal descendant, to the decedent’s father and mother equally, or to the survivor of them.”
It says that the spouse or next of kin the deceased has the right to handle the deceased’s remains. It also states that the remaining persons allowed to handle the deceased’s remains are presumed to know the deceased’s wishes and will follow those wishes.
The standard rule is that the surviving next of kin is allowed to have the body for burial or any other means of disposition. However, the deceased’s requests must be prioritized in terms of the manner of disposition (burial or cremation). If the deceased has made arrangements on the manner of disposition of his/her remains, their descendants are not allowed to make “substantial revisions” or cancel those arrangements.
Therefore, the person in charge of the deceased’s remains should be determined before making any decisions on the disposition of remains. If the person has stated his/her wish to be transformed into a cremation diamond or cremation jewelry, it should be expressly stated in the will to avoid any conflicts.
In the United States, scattering of ashes is allowed provided the following:
The permission of the land owner/s will be necessary if the ashes will be scattered in a private property.
There needs to be consent from the local government in the area if it will be scattered in a public property.
Federal law does not allow the dropping of objects which can injure people and harm property. If you will scatter the ashes from an airplane, you can coordinate with the designated agency handling these types of situations to avoid violating the law.
There are some public places (such as beaches and parks) that do not allow the scattering of ashes. Others allow it only upon securing permits that will enable the casting of ashes.
The French consider the scattering ashes acceptable, but not the storage of ashes at home.
German regulations state that it is illegal to keep the ashes at home or scatter it outside a cemetery. However, the city-state of Bremen has accepted the storage of ashes at home.
In Italy, scattering ashes is allowed as long as it is stated in the deceased’s will, and has been approved by the authorities in the place where the deed will take place
Turning ashes to cremation diamonds is legal in Switzerland. They also allow the scattering of ashes in certain places such as parks and bodies of water, with restrictions depending on the place.
Most people would assume that only human ashes can be turned into cremation diamonds. However, turning pet ashes to diamonds works too!
Dogs are known as man’s best friend. Their loyalty and playfulness make them fun companions to be with. There are dogs that will wait for their owners to reach their homes and will even sleep beside them. There are pet owners who would play with them in the backyard, give them a bath, and walk with them to the park. The bond dogs form with pet owners is strong and unbreakable.
Dogs symbolize protection (and may be one of the reasons why people use dogs to guard their homes), and this can be attributed to the Egyptian god Anubis, whose head is that of a jackal, a member of the canine family. Anubis guides the souls will travel peacefully from the physical world to the afterlife.
Most people do not think much of the sorrow pet owners experience upon the death of a pet dog. They do not seem to realize that some pet owners hold their dogs in higher regard compared to other people. When you turn your pet ashes to dog cremation diamonds, you are able to transform your pet cremains into something that will last forever.
Cats are known for their intelligence and spontaneity. They often like to cuddle with their pet owners and play with yarn. Some cats would even sneak in the cupboard to get some food or climb towards high surfaces because of their flexibility. They are inquisitive creatures.
Cats are considered as love-it-or-hate-it creatures, and the same thing is true when you look at how they are viewed across various cultures. For example, black cats are seen as a sign of bad luck or death in Western cultures. They are associated with witchcraft and evil.
On the other hand, cats are venerated in ancient Egypt. The lunar goddess Bastet has the head of cat. This is the same thing for Roman culture, because the moon goddess Diana is linked to cats. Cats are included in the chariot of the Freyja, the Norse goddess of fertility.
Losing a precious pet cat will bring sadness to the life of a pet owner. You may think of different ways in which can show the love you have for your pet cat, but nothing beats the beauty of having your cat transformed into pet cremation diamonds. This will show the enduring love you have for your feline best friend.
Our beloved horses are often known in the race track, but they also bring joy to their pet owners. Horses are often associated with freedom, power, strength, and victory. After all, they are used as a means of transportation especially during the Medieval Ages.
Horses are closely linked to triumphs in war, and continuity of life. Greeks believe that the horse is created by the god of seas, Poseidon, as a gift to Hades (god of the underworld) and Ares (god of war).
Since they are often connected with strength and longevity, it can be daunting to see horses pass away. Turning horse ashes into cremation diamonds is the perfect way to celebrate the fulfilling life your pet horse had. It is certainly a lasting tribute that will remind you of the honor and sense of freedom your pet horse brought you.
You may have birds, insects, or other small creatures as pets. Their size does not make them any less special than other pets. The happiness brought by our pets cannot be equated with any amount of money.
Our pet birds are linked to higher knowledge and freedom. They may be associated with peace, grace, and bravery depending on the type of bird you have.
On the other hand, insects symbolize adaptability because of their ability to survive in harsh environments. They are also known for their patience and tenacity.
Transforming their pet ashes into cremation diamonds is a remarkable way of showing that you can cope with the loss of your cherished pets. You can be resilient too, just like them and the cremation diamonds made from their remains.
Not only is it possible to turn pets into cremation diamonds, you can also turn them into cremation jewelry! EverDear & Co. offers an array of designs to make cremation jewelry for pets. In this way, your pet can be a part of you, literally and figuratively.
You can wear your pet cremation jewelry on any occasion, but most especially during the times when you miss their presence. Through our pieces of pet cremation jewelry, you can be with your pet anytime, anywhere.
There are different factors that affect cremation diamonds prices. There are some cremation diamond producers whose prices start at a thousand dollars, and may even reach up to more than ten thousand dollars. They also give you the option to choose between rough cremation diamonds or cut cremation diamonds. Some of these companies have partnerships with distributors which can lead to an increase in the cremation diamonds cost.
Most companies offer high cremation diamonds prices because they emphasize the added value of luxury. Cremation diamonds in the U.S. do not only allow you to venerate your loved one, but also provides you an option to minimize your expenses. This is a one-of-a-kind idea which will suit even the most budget-conscious families due to the rising funeral costs.
We are EverDear & Co., a cremation diamond producer based in the United States. We believe that commemorating the lives of our loved ones does not need to be accompanied by higher prices. Our cremation diamonds costs start at $695, the lowest in the market! We would also like to prove that lower costs do not mean lower quality cremation diamonds.
EverDear & Co. can offer more affordable cremation diamond prices because we use innovative technology that allows us to make cremation diamonds with smaller production costs. We do not have any affiliates in selling cremation diamonds so we can guarantee that there are no additional markups in the cremation diamond pricing. This is simpler because there are no intermediaries in the ordering process. The transaction will take place between you and EverDear & Co.
Another reason for EverDear’s more affordable cremation diamonds prices is because the process of researching and creating cremation diamonds is done in-house. We do not outsource these activities to make sure that the ashes of your loved one is handled with great care. Our research experts are continuously looking for ways to improve the quality while maintaining affordable cremation diamonds costs.
We also offer a flexible payment plan. You have to pay only 50% of the total price after placing an order. The other 50% will only be due once the cremation diamond is delivered to you.
Cremation diamonds in the U.S. are becoming more popular because there are more people thinking of creative ways in which they can honor the lives of their loved ones. The increasing preference for cremation allows families more flexibility in celebrating the memories of departed family members and friends.
In Canada, cremation costs are approximately a quarter of burial costs. In fact, more than 65% of Canadians prefer cremation as a funeral service compared to burial services. The changing religious and cultural affiliations of Canadians can also make them more open to alternative methods in disposing of their loved one’s ashes. In this case, cremation diamonds in Canada can be another way of memorializing their loved ones.
Apart from the United States and Canada, other countries in the American continent such as Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Chile, Argentina, and Costa Rica avail of cremation diamonds.
Cremation diamonds are accepted in European countries such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Slovenia, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg.
Countries in the Oceania region like Australia and New Zealand also avail of cremation diamonds, along with the country of South Africa.
Asian countries like Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, India, and the autonomous territory of Hong Kong are open to the practice of turning cremains into diamonds.
Once you have your own cremation diamond, what do you do with it? Here are some ideas:
Keep cremation diamonds at home. – There are people who would prefer to have the cremation diamond loose and keep it in a designated place at home. Some would have it displayed in the living room while other people would keep it in a table near the bed.
Make cremation jewelry from ashes. – EverDear & Co. has different cremation jewelry designs available on the website. In this way, you can transform their cremains into something even more beautiful. You can also bring the cremation diamond jewelry with you wherever you go, whenever you want.
Turn the ashes into cremation jewelry rings. – You can also have the cremation diamond changed into cremation rings from ashes. EverDear has cremation jewelry ring designs you can choose from.
Turn the ashes into cremation jewelry pendants. – You can opt for cremation pendants and cremation necklaces since these designs will mean that your loved one is always close to you. This is also a type of cremation urn jewelry, with the cremation urn necklace being the most common. Necklaces from ashes after cremation are generally liked because they can symbolize that your loved one will always be in your heart.
Turn the ashes into cremation jewelry bracelets. – Wearing cremation bracelets is another way of remembering the experiences you had with your loved one. Our timeless designs would be perfect to hold your loved one’s ashes.
Turn the ashes into cremation jewelry earrings. – Your cremation diamonds can be refashioned into cremation earrings that will suit any occasion. While most people would like to wear extravagant earrings, we believe that a simple and classic design would be more appropriate for your cremation jewelry earrings.
It is never easy to lose a loved one. There are numerous ways in which you can show that you love and will not forget them. One of these is to transform their ashes into cremation diamonds. You can choose from a variety of colors and carats which will best remind you of your loved one.
Cremation diamonds are a memorable way of eternalizing your loved one. Through this, you can have a precious object that will reflect your loved one’s personality. The process of changing cremains into diamonds starts by placing an order on EverDear & Co. In this way, your loved one will last forever, just like diamonds.